Faery Dust Designs by Jenny Em

How can anyone possibly be bored with so many unique and fun crafting possibilities out there? Welcome to my world where I see the good and the what-if in run of the mill items. Don't throw away those soda can tabs! I can teach you how to turn them into bracelets. Old, boring barrette can become something chic with only a few pieces of ribbon.

Let's not forget about my favorite hobby and that is crocheting. There are so many wonderful things you can create with some yarn, patience and a little bit of imagination. I can show you the easiest ways to crochet baby blankets, cute handbags, and stylish hats.

Remember to Upcycle and think green, everyone! Be exciting and do other random silly crafts to make me and other people smile! Follow along with the ideas I find and come up with!

If you have any ideas that you would like to share with me and everyone else who follows Mattyvision or my own personal blog, The Emery Bored, be sure to send me an email.

Also, make sure you subscribe to my YouTube Channel!